Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A look back at 2008

With only a few hours left in 2008, here is a look back at all the big things that happened to me in 2008:

I got to see my friend Suzie!!! Not much else happened, slow month.

My little brother got to come to New York for the first time.  It was awesome to see him and take around NYC, even if I was sick most of the time.

I went back to Texas for the first time since I was 2.  Got to see Hosanna and settle some old hurt feelings.  Also, the Doubleclick/Google merger went through.

I got layed off from Google, which turned out to be a good thing.  I got my kick ass job with Outsourced Ad Ops. 

At the begining of the month, I got an email from my birth father; this is not someone I ever wanted to hear from, so that freaked me out just a little bit.  Abby was also able to come see me in NYC; she had an awesome time, and I loved having her there.  I went to Vegas for the first time, however, without proper forms of ID, you can't do much.
I also discover a small series of books known as the Twilight Saga.  If your a regular reader of my blog, you will know that I got pretty obsessive with this.

TJ graduated from high school; it was such an awesome experience to see my little brother walk across that stage and get is diploma, with everything he has been through.  I also got to see my older brother John, which was cool.  Being back in Denver for a few days was good.

I turned 27 years old (only 3.5 yrs left of my twenties).  I also went to Vegas for a second time, this time with both my drivers license and passport, learned my lesson in May.  

I called this Twilight month.  I appeared on Good Morning America and got to meet Stephenie Meyer (author of the books), went to see her and Justin Futherstinfeild(?) in concert, went to the midnight release for Breaking Dawn, and spent the next few weeks reading that book over and over again (I was bored and broke).

With fall came Misti and TJ's trip to England, this was the best thing of 2008 for me.  I had never been anywhere outside of the US.  Seeing all the history and cultural differences were amazing.  I took close to 500 pictures!!!
I also went to see Eqqus, which was interesting and thats all I'm gonna say.

Other then sadly returning from England (both TJ and I didn't want to leave).  Nothing much happened.

Another Twilight month for me.  The soundtrack come out on 11/4 and debuted at #1 (not common for soundtracks).  We saw the Barrack Obama elected as the first African-American president.  And finally the Twilight movie was released into theaters, and it was amazing. Worth all the wait.

Abby once again flew out to NYC, this time to see the city all done up for Christmas.  We had a blast seeing the tree and the Rockettes show.  I have spent the last 2 1/2 weeks in Denver spending time with my family and friends.

2008 is almost gone, and even though there were good times throughout the year, but I am excited to see what is in store for in 2009.

so, to all reading have a safe and happy New Year.  See you in 2009

Saturday, December 20, 2008

How Denver welcomes me home!!!

So I have been in Denver for an all of 2 days, when I woke up with an itchy, burning throat.  This is usually the 24hr warning I get before the cold becomes full blown.  
So now, here I am wanting to hang out with my friends and family, still have some Christmas shopping to do, but instead I am stuck inside nursing a stuffy nose and sore throat.

I am now fully convinced that Denver is bad for my health.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Abby's Holiday Weekend in NYC

Below are the a few of the pictures from Abby's Weekend in NYC.
We went to see the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center and then saw the Rockettes.  They were amazing.  We also did a horse ride through Central Park, which was pretty.  We had an awesome time.  

(above) Abby & Misti at Radio City Music Hall

(above) Abby in front of the poster for the Rockettes Show

(above) Abby in front of the Rockefeller Christmas Tree

To see the rest of the pictures go here

I'm back in Denver till Jan 01. There will be more posts and pictures to come.
Thursday, December 11, 2008

Little Sister Coming Today

My little sister Abby is coming for a little visit today!!! I'm excited to show her what NYC looks like during Christmas. As an added bonus, we get to go see Twilight together, something we had planned on doing back when 12/12 was still the original opening date. We are also going to go see the Rockettes..woohoo.

As always I will post highlight pictures and a link to all the pictures later on.

I will then be flying back to Denver with Abby on 12/16 and will be there till 01/01/09.

Friday, December 5, 2008

I love Santa

I found this picture of me when I was like 2yrs old and was freaking out over Santa. Thought ya'll would enjoy.

Merry Christmas

Sunday, November 23, 2008

True Blood - Season Finale

Tonight was the 1st season finale of HBO's True Blood.  I am sooo addicted to this show, I'm sad that I have to wait to summer of 09' for the second season.  I've read the books this series is based on and I have to say that they stayed pretty true to the books, some things had to be changed but overall not bad.

This has been a very Vampire weekend, with the season finale of True Blood and the movie release of Twilight. 

What ever will I do with my time now?  

Picture Tag

So I have been picture tagged by Lynette.

So here is my picture; it was taken in the summer of 06 when Nikki and I went on a road trip to Flagstaff, AZ.  This was a roadside attraction, and I kid you not, this place would make a great setting for some murder thriller movie.  The whole time I was thinking "its at this point in the movie when people are saying don't go there".

It is now my turn to tag people; I tag: Robyn Marmon, Hosanna Hanson, Diana Interfield, Erin Ball, and Brittany Lamson.  Not sure if all of those people even read my blog, but hey if you do, you've been tagged.

Here's what you do:
Go to your Pictures file
Go to the 5th folder
Open the 5th picture and post it
Tag 5 people when you're done.

So have fun tagging.
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Twilight Movie #1 and New Moon News

As many of you know, Twilight was released into theaters on Friday.  Today is Saturday, and in its first day out, the movie has grossed $35 million dollars, making it the second highest grossest non-summer movie release (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire is number one).  Box office counting firms are now saying that Twilight could easily gross well over $75 million in its first weekend.

That being said, with the news of its settler opening weekend Summit Entertainment announced this morning that the second novel in the Twilight Saga series New Moon has been green lit for production.  This means that they expect Twilight to gross at least $150 million during its box office run.  

This is exciting news for all of us Twilighters.  
Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Movie - My thoughts

I have just returned from the midnight showing of Twilight.  As most of you who read my blog will know I have been counting down to this day as I am a huge fan of the books.

I went into this an open mind, as I'm very much aware that when ever you take a book and make it for the screen things are going to change and might be slightly different from the novel.
That being said here is what I thought.

First off the movie is 2 hours, up 30 minutes from what was originally said to be. I've read a lot of the critics reviews, and have to disagree with about 95% of the them.  As a fan watching the movie, I thought they did a good job of fitting a 500+ page book into a 120 page screenplay.  All the characters from the book were there, some as a much but that didn't really make a difference.  The only part I was not thrilled with was some of the special effects.  I would have liked to see more of the super cool vampire stuff, I understand that the budget wouldn't really allow for it.  I am still a undecided about the "sparkle" effect, so I'll get back to you on that one.

As we were promised, all the main story points were there.  Some were condensed for timing, some were kinda lumped together in a way, but in a way that I feel make it work.  At no point in the movie did I think " okay lets move it along here", to be honest when the prom scene came along, I was like whoa, its over, the 2 hrs went by quick.  

A lot of the other reviews were wishing for a lot more of Bella and Edward scenes, I almost feel I have to remind them that this is told from Bella's point of view, and that we get more B&E later on the series, once they are together and not just to trying to figure each other out.  

Kristen and Rob, I feel did a great job at portraying those two.  There were a couple of times in during the movie when it was so quiet, I looked around and all of us girls pretty much had the same look on our faces, something along the lines of an "open mouthed OMG blank look".

I also liked the voice over, that is where some of the best lines from the book are blended into the movie, it was very documentary style, which fit.  Anyone who has never read the book would be able to see the movie and not get lost and wonder "what the hell".

I highly suggest that ya'll go see the movie, it rocked.  Was it as good as the book, no, but I never thought it would be.  It was an awesome adaptation of a great novel.  

Anyone want to make a bet on how many times I see this in the theatre?  The record is 15 for Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  Let me know in the comments.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Twilight + Total Eclipse of the Heart = AWESOME

Okay, so for those of you don't know, I have a special connection to the song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" by Bonnie Tyler. Nikki, Kay and Joanna also share this connection.
I also love Twilight.
Therefore, I found this article on today and found it fitting to my life.

oh the joy I get out of these random things.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Twilight Soundtrack

The soundtrack to the Twilight movie is available now instores or for download on iTunes. The digital version has 3 bounus tracks.

I got mine early last night. Its awesome, there are some very good choices and I'm excited to see where they are in the movie. I also really enjoyed the two songs by Rob Pattinson. Bella's Lullaby is taking some getting used to. I kinda had my own version playing in my head for the last few months, so to hear an actual version takes some getting used to, but it is very pretty.

Even if your not planning on seeing the movie (which you should) the soundtrack is worth getting.

16 more days!!!!

Vote 2008

I rocked the vote this morning....did you???

Don't forget to vote today.

Go here to find your polling location:

Monday, November 3, 2008

Misti in a \"Twilight\"-inspired costume | MTV Photo Gallery

Misti in a "Twilight"-inspired costume | MTV Photo Gallery

Check me out on!!!

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Paramore: Decode

Here is the new music video for Paramore's "Decode" off the Twilight soundtrack.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

Happy belated Halloween!!!  Here I am in all my creepy vampire glory.  The contacts are not the ones I ordered, but the ones I wanted were back ordered so the company sent me a free pair until the ones I want come in.  I still think they look pretty damn good. 

Any hoo, I came in second for the work costume contest.  Got to love All Hallows Eve!!!
Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Kids on The Block - 2008

Monday 10/27/08 I went to see NKOTB for the first time since like 1989. The concert was AWESOME. 15yrs later and the boy (men?) still got it. They played all the old school hits, along with a lot of their new stuff.

Below are some pictures. Enjoy.

NKOTB - preforming "Hangin Tough"

NKOTB - preforming "Step by Step"

Jordan Knight

My fave - JOEY

If you want to see all the pics I took and some videos go here:
Monday, October 27, 2008

The Southern Vampire Mysteries

I finished reading all 8 books in the "Southern Vampire Mysteries" book series. The HBO series True Blood is based off this series of books. They are pretty good. They contain enough action so the stories flow pretty well. They are what I consider "quick" reads, meaning none of the books is over 400 pages. So I got through them all in a few days.

After seeing the first few episodes of True Blood, I was seeing a lot of similarities between these books and my beloved Twilight series. However, after reading all the books, they are very different. The few similarities are that they are both told strictly from a single female viewpoint, both are human and involved in the supernatural world.

So far the TV series is doing a pretty good job and keeping along with the books. According to the Author Cathlene Harris's website, there should be a few more novels still to come in the series as in my opinion the latest book did not end out the stories.

If you need a book to read, try the first on "Dead Until Dark".
Monday, October 20, 2008

Cullen Contacts

So, keeping with the Twilight theme here, I've decided to go with "cullen" colored contacts for my halloween costume this year instead of straight black colored lenses. After looking at a ton of places online that sell cosmetic lenses, I found a site that actually sells "amber" colored contacts. These are pretty damn close to the contacts from the movie. So, woo hoo, a less creepy look this year. I'll be sure post pictures of my costume after halloween.
Friday, October 10, 2008

Final Twilight Trailer

Here it is, the final full version of the Twilight Trailer.

I really have no words except that from what I see in the 2+ minutes here, is that this movie is going to be awesome.

41 days left

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

New Twilight Trailer - Sneak Peek

The new and final Twilight trailer comes out tomorrow night, but ET let us have just tiny little preview of it.

Here it is...I'll be posting the final trailer after it comes out tomorrow.

44 Days and counting

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I Survived

So, one year ago today I moved from Denver, CO to New York City.

New York was a city I have wanted to live in since I was 15yrs old, and I finally got the chance when I took a job with Doubleclick.

Looking back over the last year, it went a lot differently then I thought it would.  I underestimated how much I would miss everyone.  I was so ready to leave CO that I didn't put too much thought about who I was leaving behind.  This was the 1st time in my then 26yrs of life that I lived more then a 20min drive from my mother.

Now, I look at what living out here has taught me.  I really grew up in the last year, learning how to truly take care of myself. Something I've never really had to do.  I'm still figuring a lot of things out, but I have a new view on things, that I really can handle things.  God really took care of me and will continue to take care of me, this I have total faith in.

So, lets shoot for 2yrs now.
Saturday, October 4, 2008

England Trip 08

I have returned from across the pond!!!  TJ and I had a blast over in England.  We did a walking/driving tour of London.  A walking tour of Windsor Castle, Stonehedge and Bath.  Saw Spamalot, and all the spots where Jack the Ripper killed his victims and where William Wallace was killed.

Here are some pics from the 400+ I took.


Awesome Movie Alert

I just saw Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist.  It was an awesome little movie.  I just got the soundtrack as well, and I'm sure it will be just as awesome.

So, Everyone go see it.
Saturday, September 27, 2008

True Blood... The adult Twilight????

So, I was sitting at home with TJ last night, putting off packing for out trip, when we started talking about True Blood, a new vampire series on HBO. I was saying how much I really wanted to see it, cuz we all know I love me some vampires.

The catch is I cancelled HBO, didn't feel the need to pay for it.  I can't bring myself to pay $20 a month so I can watch one show.

So, after googling it, I found a sight where I can watch the show for free!!!

TJ and I started watching it and couldn't help but notice how similar the characters are to those from Twilight, only not show PG-13 and more R.

SO, I now have a way to get some kind of Twilight/Vampire fix till Twilight comes out on 11/21.

oh, also True Blood is based off a series of books, so of course I'll be buying and reading those as well.

The Journey Begins

And were off...TJ and I are headed off to London.  

WE will be back in 6 days, expect lots of pictures when I return and cool kick ass stories.

to be continued....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

This should be interesting....

So tonight my lil brother is flying in from Denver so he has a few days in the city before we leave for England.

One of the major flaws about NYC is that it is a pain in the ass to get to the airports. JFK is like an 1hr subway ride and LGA is only available via car.

So, I didn't really feel like paying $70 roundtrip in car fair to go pick TJ up at LGA, so I signed up for zipcar. I cool lil company that rents cars out by the hour or day for really low prices in NYC.

So, I will have a car for 2 hrs tonight to go pickup TJ, however, I have never ever drivin in NYC before. I'm a pretty good driver, used to dealing with traffic, but there is a huge difference between traffic and crazy ass taxi drivers.

So, here is hoping I don't kill someone and that I don't get lost.

Wish me luck

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Not Much to Report

So I don't really have an fun and exciting news right now. I've been staying on the down low, trying to save money for my England adventure in a few weeks. I'm so looking forward to that trip.

TJ gets to NYC on 9/24 and we leave for London on the 27th. We are both totally excited for this.

Other, than that I've got nothing new.

I won't be posting pics for London till we get as I'm not lugging my laptop across the ocean. But trust me, once I get back it will be pictures galore.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

I Support Stephenie Meyer

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Friday, August 22, 2008

Breaking Dawn was Awesome

***Spoiler Free***

So just in case any of you read my blog ever decide to go with what I say and read the Twilight novels, I will be nice and won't spoil the events in this book (okay, well maybe one but SM let it loose before the book came out any way).

After weeks of torment, I was finally able to read Breaking Dawn the last novel (from Bella's POV) in the Twilight series.

I have to say, I was totally shocked about all the events (except one) in this book. It went in a totally different direction than I thought it was going to go. That's not to say I'm not 100% happy with the way it turned out, just there were a lot of OMG moments.

The wedding at the very beginning was very nice to see (the one spoiler), glad to see Bella didn't chicken out of that.

All in all, I'm very happy with the book, I read it the 1st time through in a lil under 15hrs (I had to get some sleep).

I am now in the process of re-reading all the books, straight through, so I can get the lil hints SM said were left in both New Moon and Eclipse.

Now, I just have to wait for the Twilight Movie...which thankfully is now coming out on 11/21/08 due to HP6 being pushed back to next summer.

Now, do as I say and read these books :-)

Breaking Dawn Concert and Release Party

I am fully aware that this post is about ohhh, 20 days or so late, but in my defense I was busy reading my new book, and also I misplaced my camera cord :-)

So the concert was pretty cool, shorter that what I thought is was going to be (a little over an hour). Justin F of Blue October was AWESOME!!! He played some new songs (that won't be out till March) as well as some of the songs that SM felt went with the Twilight Books.

The Q&A session with SM was pretty good, since the new book wasn't out yet she couldn't really answer any questions on that, but still good none the less.

Then the mayhem stated, after the "concert" was over SM was doing an autograph session. I personally do not think this was very well planned out. There were over 2,000 people there and it was really hot inside, and everyone was trying to push through the door. It was at this time I decided that since I already had SM autograph on my book plus a picture with her, I was going to pass at this autograph session. Sooo, off I went to the release party.

Borders was kind enough to provide a free shuttle bus from the Nokia Theater to there store off 34th and 7th. This was good, it saved me about $10.00 in cab fare. Well I was waiting in line for the shuttle, I notice a group of girls that I saw at the GMA interview the previous day. We ended up sitting next to each other on the bus. It was two girls and one of the girl's Mom. They were all really nice. Once we hit Borders, we went our sepurate ways; I really didn't have an interest in partaking in the activites of the night (I just wanted my book), so I pulled out my copy of Eclipse, got a large coffee, a cozy place to sit (the floor in the economics section) and just chilled.

Low and behold, when the time came to line up to get our books, the same group I sat with on the shuttle were right behind me in line....this led to some chatting. The girls were Sara and Palwasha and Sara's mom Nancy. They were a lil shocked to see such a big Twilight fan who was 27yrs old, but there I was in all my glory.

Above: Sara, Nancy, Me, Palwasha

I finally got my books, and after Nancy was kind enough to give me a ride home (again saving me from the cab fare) I got to work reading (a different blog to come on that.

All, I say that evening was ..... A success
Thursday, July 31, 2008

How I met Stephenie Meyer

This morning bright and early at 6am, I headed to the GMA studio to attend the Stephenie Meyer interview.

Below are the pics of my FANTASTIC morning.

The GMA Studio Audience

The Interview Setup

A still of me on the live broadcast

One of the only guys in the studio, plus I like his sign


My newly autographed copy of Eclipse!!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Harry Potter 6 Trailer

The trailer for Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince came out last night. I have to agree with some people, its kinda creepy, but in a totally awesome way.

Check it out for your selfs.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Cool New Band

So, I was watching MTV and saw a music video (yes, they do play music videos from 3-3:30am EST) from this band called She & Him.

I thought it was pretty cool looking and I liked the sound of the bands, so I went and got the single off iTunes, and it has become one of my fav new songs to listen to.

Here is the music video, take a look.

I'll be purchasing their full album soon, can't wait.
Monday, July 28, 2008

Watch me on Good Morning America

Set those DVR's for July 31st people. I was selected to appear in the studio audience for the Stephenie Meyer (author of the Twilight Saga) segment.

I am totally stoked for this, and to make it better, the next day (Friday) I'm going to the Breaking Dawn book tour where I will get to meet her once again.

So, posted a Breaking Dawn Spoiler this morning, given to them by Stephenie Meyer herself.

You can go here:,,20215228,00.html
to read it yourself.

I am extremely happy with the outcome of this.

4 more days!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Twilight Comic Con Clip

So I am totally geeking out at this momment. Yesterday was the first day of Comic Con, a not so little event held in San Diego every year.

Now, normally I have no such desire to attend this event, I'm not that big a geek, but when I heard that the cast of Twilight was doing a Q&A panel session, I had the huge desire to get my little but to SD.
This did not happen as the event sold out and it was way too expensive. But thanks to people who were able to go, this was posted earlier today. It is an extended clip of the Ballet Studio scene that MTV aired on June 3rd.

So, enjoy, scream, jump up and down (I'm doing all that on the inside).

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Las Vegas Round 2

I have returned from my second trip to Vegas, and it was AWESOME!!! Shirley, Beili and I all had sooo much fun. This time around we stayed at the Monte Carlo, which was nice, but the MGM was a lil better. We spent time at the pool, went to some clubs, walked around and saw the sights, and just about melted from the heat. But it was worth it.

So, now the pics:
Me with some statue @ Ceaser's Place

The fountain show at the Bellagio

Shirley & Beili

Me and Beili

To see the rest of the pictures you can go here:

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Dark Knight Premire

So, TJ and Abby and their friends went to see the midnight showing of "The Dark Knight" last week. Keeping with the trend, they went in costume as their favorite villain.

TJ as the Joker

Abby as Harley Quinn

The Group: Penguin, The Joker, Harley Quinn, The Riddler, Two-face, and what I'm guessing is a second Joker.

The kids did a kick ass job with the costumes this year.
Thursday, July 17, 2008

Twilight Teaser Trailer #2

Weekend fun in Jersey

Above: The Boys 

Above: Me with some kind of vodka mixer drink...mmmm

Above: Our lovely hostess Shirley

So, this past weekend, I finally made it over to Shirley's apartment in Jersey City. It was nice just chillin on her deck and hitting up the pool, I was still able to catch a few rays.

Celebrating my 1st b-day in New York!!!!

Above: The whole group at Korean BQQ, which was pretty good.

Above: This is the view of the Empire State Building from the rooftop bar we sent to.  Soo pretty, you can see, but all the lighting was done in Pink.

Above: Me, Atanas, Juan, and Beili

Above: The Girls: Beili, me and Shirley

Above: me and Amanda

Above: left or right, vodka or wine, that is the eternal question.

All in all it was a pretty good birthday.  This was the first birthday I've spent without being with my mom or family, so that was a little weird, but my friends made sure I had an awesome day.

So, I am now (well considering this post is like a week late) another year older, so lets hope I have an awesome 27th year of my life.

About Me

My Photo
So, I moved to NYC in fall 2007, and via God's hands, I work for an awesome company doing online web trafficking. I am also a freelance makeup artist.
View my complete profile


Fave Books

  • A Midsummers Night Dream
  • Breaking Dawn
  • Chasing Harry Winston
  • Comedy of Errors
  • Confessions of a Shopalohic
  • Eclipse
  • Go Ask Alice
  • Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows
  • Harry Potter and the Goblit of Fire
  • New Moon
  • Romeo & Juliet
  • The Devil Wears Prada
  • The Host
  • The Shining
  • Twilight




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